Do all things to the Glory of God. This is a simple straight forward scripture that tells each and every one of us that whatever we do in life do it for God. If we are eating a meal, is that meal nourishing your body properly. When we sit down to take a drink, does that drink line up with God. When we are at home or on the Job, does our actions and interactions with other people coincide with how Jesus would behave. This is not an easy task to do consistently by yourself every day. That’s why God sent Jesus as a substitute for us. God knew mankind could not attain The Glory, in man’s own will. Mankind fell from grace when Adam and Eve ate the Fruit in the garden.

As a remedy to achieve The Glory, God sent the second Adam, his only begotten son Jesus to take away our sins and transgressions and regain The Glory we loss. With Jesus as mankind replacement, everything that was impossible, becomes possible.

We can eat, drink, walk, talk and do everything to the Glory of God because the Holy Spirit is in us, and is guiding us in everything that we do. People must release their body, soul, and spirit to Jesus. If you mess up one day. No worries. Jesus died on the cross to take away sins from the past, present and future. Just dust yourself off and get back up and fight the good fight of faith. Jesus loves you. He will never leave you or forsake you.

Remember the woman caught in adultery, Jesus did not condemn her. He told her “Go and sin no more”. You see The Glory is not hard to attain once Jesus is in your life. The trick is when you get down or things don’t seem to be going well, never give up. We regained The Glory, through Jesus, to live a supernatural life on this earth. Never forget.

Yours Truly
